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12 Maret 2015

Khasiat Utama tanaman Mahoni bagi kesehatan

Kam, 12 Maret 2015 Dibaca 4x Khasiat Tumbuhan

Mahoni | Swietenia mahagoni Jacq.

Pohon mahoni yang kita kenal sering sekali digunakan sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan mebel atau pohon ini sering kita jumpai di pinggiran jalan sebagai peneduh dan penghias kota. Namun tahukah Anda bahwa mahoni juga memiliki manfaat sebagai obat tradisional.

Kandungan flavanoid dari mahoni berkhasiat melancarkan peredaran darah, mengurangi kadar kolesterol, mengurangi penimbunan lemak pada dinding pembuluh darah, membantu mrngurangi rasa sakit, pendarahan dan lebam, serta bertindak sebagai antioksidan.

Saponinnya berguna untuk mengurangi lemak badan, meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh, mencegah pembekuan darah dan kadar gula darah, serta menguatkan fungsi hati dan memperlambat proses pembekuan darah

Berikut ini penggunaan mahoni sebagai obat tradisional

1. Hipertensi

a. Siapkan 8 gram biji mahoni segar, kemudian seduh dengan 2 gelas air panas. Setelah dingin, saring lalu bagi menjadi 2 bagian. Minumlah setiap pagi dan sore

b. siapkan ½ sdt serbuk biji mahoni, kemudian seduh dengan ½ cangkir air panas, tambahkan 1 sdm madu. Minum selagi hangat, lakukan 2-3 kali sehari

2.Kencing manis

Siapkan ½ sdt serbuk biji mahoni, kemudian seduh dengan 1/3 cangkir air panas. Minum 30 menit sebelum makan selagi hangat. Lakukan 2-3 kali sehari

3.Kurang nafsu makan

Siapkan ½ sdt serbuk biji mahoni, kemudian desuh dengan 1/3 cangkir air panas, tambahkan 1 sdmmadu. Minum selagi hangat sebanyak 2-3 kali sehari

4.Demam dan masuk angin

Siapkan ½ sdt serbuk biji mahoni. Seduh dengan ¼ cangkir air panas, tambahkan 1 sdm madu. Minum selagi hangat sebanyak 2-3 kali sehari



Swietenia mahogani (L.) Jacq.


Tao hua xin mu

Scientific names Common names

Swietenia mahogani Jacq. Mahogany (Engl.)

Cedrela mahogani L. Big leaf mahogany (Engl.)

  West Indian mahogany (Engl.)

  Madeira redwood (Engl.)

  Tao hua xin mu (Chin.)

Other vernacular names

CHINESE: Da ye tao hua xin mu.

FRENCH: Acajou d’Amérique, Acajou de Cuba, Acajou de Santo Domingo, Mahogany.

GERMAN: Amerikanisches Mahagoni.

JAPANESE: Ooba Mahoganii.

PORTUGESE: Aguano, Araputanga, Caóba, Caóba, Cedro-í, Mogno, Mogno, Mogno-Brasileiro

SPANISH: Aguano, Caoba de Cuba, Caobilla, Caoba de Santo, Chiculte, Coabillo, Cóbano, Gateado, Mogno, Orura.


Mahogany is a deciduous, erect tree growing to a height of 10 meters, with a heavy, dark-green, and dense crown. The trunk is more or less buttressed. Bark is dark gray and ridged. Young leaves when in the flush are pink, soon turning green. Leaves are alternate, smooth, compound, about 15 centimeters long, in 3 to 6 pairs, most often 5 pairs, of leaflets. Leaflets are inequilateral, ovate to oblong-ovate, 5 to 8 centimeters long and half as wide, pointed at the tip, broadly obtuse or rounded at the base. Flowers are greenish yellow, about 8 millimeters wide, borne in axillary panicles shorter than the foliage. Calyx is rim-like and the petals are oblong, less than 5 millimeters in length. Staminal tube is slightly reddish, thick, and nearly as long as the corolla. Fruit is large, cylindrical, barrel-shaped, woody, grayish-brown, rough and less than 12 centimeters long. Body of the fruit splits into five thick outer valves and five thinner inside valves. The outer valves fall off when ripe exposing closely packed seeds attached by the tips of their wings. Seeds are brownish, 5 to 7 centimeters long, with a broad and thin wing and a corky, thickened part containing the embryo.


– Recently introduction in the Philippines.

– Cultivated for the commerce of its wood.

– Native of the West Indies.


• The bark contains tannin; leaves contain seven phragmalin limonoids.

• Two new tetranortriterpenoids, mahonin and secomahoganin were isolated from the cotyledons of SM.

• Study yields 6-Desoxyswietenine, a tetranortriterpenoid from Swietenia mahogani.

• Study on the acidic polysaccharide isolated from the gum exudate yielded residues of D-galactose, L-arabinose, L-rhamnose and D-galacturonic acid.


• Considered astringent, antipyretic, abortifacient, depurative.



– Bark is antipyretic, tonic and astringent.

– Decoction of seeds used as abortifacient.

– Used for hypertension, amoebiasis, chest pains, parasitism, cancer.

– Used by Ifugao migrants for malaria, cough and miscarriage. (11)

– In India, bark extracts used as astringent for wounds.

– Used for malaria, anemia, diarrhea, fever and dysentery.

– In Africa, bark decoction used as febrifuge


Wood: This is the true mahogany of commerce, yielding the highly prized reddish-brown wood. Because of its fast growth, it is much desired in Manila as a shade tree. In India, wood is a popular material for making of furniture, musical instruments, boats, caskets.


• Anti-Ulcer / Anti-H. Pylori: The Effect of Swietenia Mahogani (Mahogany) Seed Extract On Unidimensionalities Gastric Ulcers in Female Sprague-Dawley Rats: Study found a potential effect on the healing of gastric ulcers, attributed to the phospholipid and long chain unsaturated fatty acid content of mahogany seeds, with a healing effect similar to that of misoprostol. Results provide an attractive possibility for H. pylori therapy. (1)

• Hypoglycemic / Hypolipidemic: Study on streptozotocin and nicotinamide-induced type 2 diabetes in rats concludes that the ME of seeds of Swietenia macrophylla has hypoglycemic as well as hypolipidemic effect. (3)

• Antioxidant / Xanthine Oxidase Inhibition: Study of the methanol extract of Swietania mahogani exhibited both high free radical scavenging and xanthine oxidase inhibition activities. (4)

• Cytotoxic: Study on the cytotoxic activities of the crude ethanolic extracts of seed, bark and leaf of Sm and their various fractions showed promising results with the seed extract and some fractions showing the most significant cytotoxic properties. (5)

• Hepatoprotective: Study of an aqueous leaf extract of S. mahogani in chronic alcohol-induced liver injury in rats exhibited hepatoprotective activity. (8)

• Anti-Protozoal: In a study of 10 lectins screened for cytotoxic activity against Acanthamoeba sp. (a keratitis-causing amoeba) and Tetrahymena pyriformis, lectins from Schefflera odorata and Swietenia macrophylla were found to possess high cytotoxic activity against the test organisms. (9)

• Anti-Diabetic / Seeds: An ethanolic extract of sees produced significant reduction of blood glucose level. Histological examination of the pancreas showed retaining of islets and few degranulations of beta cells. (12)

• Hypoglycemic / Bark Extracts: Bark extract of mahogany was evaluated for invivo hypoglycemic activity against alloxan-induced diabetic rats. A hot water extract showed significant dose-dependent hypoglycemic effect compared to standard drug. Histopath study showed significant ß-cell count. (13)

• Antiulcer Activity / Ethanol-Induced Injury / Leaf Extract / Acute Toxicity Study: Study of an ethanol extract of leaves showed antiulcer activity against ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in rats. Pretreatment resulted in significant protection of gastric mucosa and increase in mucus production. Acute toxicity study did not show any toxicological signs in rats. (14)

• Gastroprotective / Seed Extract / Ethanol-Induced Injury: An ethanol extract of seed showed anti-ulcerogenic activity against ethanol induced gastric mucosal injury in rats, ascertained grossly and histologically. (15)



Extracts and capsules in the cybermarket.

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Januari 2025

Buku Tamu

  • Tinah
    Ijin isi buku tamu, makasih
  • Wa doleng
    smoga sukses semua 💋
  • Amel
  • Amran
    jaya terus SDN 84
  • Yusri
    Salam pendidikan 😮

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